English Learner Program
Our English Learner Program is here to help students, families, and teachers promote the achievement of students learning English. All of our schools have highly qualified teachers dedicated to your child's academic achievement by teaching them the components of the English Language through language ability-based groups and small group intervention.
The EL department provides support for the implementation of the Structured English Immersion model to all schools. The SEI model is designed to increase English language proficiency and the academic achievement of English Learners.
The EL program provides services which meet state and federal requirements for English learner identification, assessment, instruction and reassessment (Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) and Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 15, Chapter 7, Article 3.1 ARS §15-751 §15-757 and House Bill 2064).
Students are assessed to determine the identification of EL or non-EL status. Arizona's law requires students who have any language other than English as a primary or home language to be assessed for English Language Proficiency. The district uses the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). Results of the assessment, or assessment history, determines programming for EL students.
For more information about EL services, contact your school’s administration or our EL department.
Contact Us
Phone: (520) 568-5100
Fax: (520) 568-5110
Director of Academic and Federal Programs
Gretchen Brown
EL/Curriculum Specialist
Joe Macaluso
EL/Curriculum Paraprofessional
Janine Looper