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Homeless Education

Has your family been displaced due to economic hardship? Do you have an unaccompanied youth living with you? If you are experiencing any of these circumstances, we can help you!

The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal program that assists families in financial difficulty that have been displaced or live in inadequate housing.  

Below are some of the services we offer:

  • Immediate Enrollment regardless of missing documents.  
    • We will work with you to obtain your enrollment paperwork, including immunization records, birth certificates, and prior school records. 
  • Transportation is provided from the "school of origin." Your child does not need to transfer schools if you have had to relocate due to economic hardship.  He or she can stay enrolled in their current school.
  • Title I services.  
  • Support services and supplemental education programs include tutoring, summer school, and preschool.
  • Free breakfast/lunch.  Once identified through McKinney-Vento, your child is eligible for free breakfast and lunch.

If you are experiencing homelessness or have questions, please contact us.