Wellness Policy
The Maricopa Unified School District promotes wellness by supporting good nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. Wellness is defined as the dynamic state of achieving optimal well-being in all the dimensions of health: physical, mental/emotional and social.
- Physical education classes will be taught by a certified physical education instructor. Classroom physical activity opportunities shall be offered daily during the school day. MUSD promotes the use of school facilities outside of school hours for physical activity programs offered by community-based organizations
- Physical education classes will be provided to students in all grade levels.
- Physical education classes will have the same student/teacher ratios used in other classes.
- The physical education program shall provide adequate space and equipment and conform to all applicable safety standards.
- MUSD will not tolerate the use of physical activity as punishment, the withholding of participation in physical activity/education as punishment, or the use of physical education class time to complete assignments from other classes. Furthermore, restorative practices in the form of affective statements and questions and short impromptu conferences shall be used during physical activity to enhance student problem-solving, address bullying or inappropriate play, and promote peer to peer socialization.
- Athletics, recess, and/or other classes may not take the place of physical education.
- Nutrition education shall be integrated within the comprehensive health education curriculum and taught at every grade level.
- The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall support the nutrition education program and be linked to the school meal program – reaching classroom, cafeteria and community.
- All students shall have the skills necessary to make nutritious choices. • Students will receive nutrition education that fosters the adoption and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors. • Each school in MUSD will encourage staff to model healthy eating and physical activity as a valuable part of life. Our schools will strive toward integrating a coordinated school health approach.
- Parents will be provided the opportunity to give feedback on wellness goals through our website, email, parent conferences and family engagement events.
- All school meals promote fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat items, including low-fat and fat-free milk.
- School meals shall be made attractive to students. To the extent possible, school and transportation schedules shall be designed to encourage participation in the school meal programs.
- After obtaining food, students will be provided adequate time (minimum of 20 minutes) to eat lunch.
- All food service personnel will have adequate training in food service operations including professional development in the area of food and nutrition. Food service personnel will also be following the New Professional Standards requirement from USDA which is effective July 1, 2015. The standards, another key provision of the Health, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA), aim to institute minimum education standards for local school nutrition directors as well as annual training standards for all school nutrition professionals. These standards will ensure school nutrition personnel have the knowledge, training, and tools they need to plan, prepare, and purchase health products to create nutritious, safe and enjoyable school meals. This final rule will create minimum hiring standards for new school food authority (SFA) directors based on a school district’s size and require minimum annual training for all new and current school nutrition professionals.
- Students shall be provided a pleasant environment in which to eat lunch.
- MUSD will share and publicize information about the nutritional content of meals with students and parents.
- Our district will provide peanut free zones and comply with special dietary needs for students as defined in the ADE special dietary needs manual.
- MUSD is a peanut restricted/peanut aware district. Food service staff are not responsible for unknown allergens.
- MUSD will regulate all food items sold including foods and beverages sold through vending machines, school stores and concessions, and will be consistent with federal and state nutrition guidelines, following the Smart Snack Rule that was effective July 1, 2014. This includes all PTO food and beverage sales during school hours.
- Food and Drug Administration Requirements for Vending Machines CACF-09-2016 published December 1, 2014; final rule NSLP institutions must comply by December 1, 2016. Items in vending machines will be required to have calorie labels so consumers have clear and regular nutrition information, allowing them to make informed and healthy choices when purchasing.
- Our district will regulate the nutritional quality of ALL a la carte items sold; regulating calorie, sugar, or saturated fat content of ALL items sold.
- Our school district will provide a specific and restricted list of food items allowed to be served/ distributed. Consumption of food and beverages during the normal school day will follow USDA nutrition standards. Any class party will be held after lunch if possible. Federal regulation states: Class parties held in individual classrooms by a single class may be exempt from the nutritional regulations. Common areas are not exempt. Multiple classrooms participating in a combined party or event are subject to nutrition standards. Field days, group recognitions, etc., are not considered classroom parties and are not exempt. Class parties held in an individual classroom by a single class may be exempt by teacher’s discretion to celebrate birthdays, class achievement, holiday, etc. Parent(s) may provide food items not meeting nutritional standards (food items must come from a commercial kitchen – cannot be homemade) or parent/teacher may use the option of MUSD food services providing healthier food items.
- The normal school day includes before, during and after school, but does not include special events, such as athletic contests or performances held outside the normal school day. The normal school day is considered midnight to 30 minutes after the last bell.
- No outside food items will be allowed during breakfast and lunch serving times.
- Fundraising activities should support healthy eating and wellness following the nutrition standards. For the sale of food and/or beverages that do not meet the smart snack rule standards, a revision was made in April 2015. Per memo HNS#4-2015 – all exemption requests for fundraisers by Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will be approved by the Arizona Department of Education. ADE will track the number of exemptions granted and only take action to alter this policy if one or more LEAs abuse the policy. While ADE recognizes the importance of nutrition at our schools, we do not wish to have a deterrent effect on those wishing to raise funds for school functions. Per ADE, any fundraiser should be a single event of duration not exceeding one week. A school principal or designated representative of the school will submit the request for the fundraiser. However, per USDA, the State agency must specify to USDA the number of exemptions they may grant. If the State agency doesn’t respond – USDA will assume the State agency is electing to prohibit any exempt fundraisers.
- Our district food service program will comply with the federal and state nutrition guidelines that require the use of products that are high in fiber, low in added fats, sugar and sodium, consistent with calorie requirements and served in appropriate portion size. This will be consistent with USDA standards and shall be established for all foods offered by MUSD’s nutrition services department.
- In our district food service program, all grains will be at least 51% whole grain.
- Our district will not use food as a reward. All “treasure box” items must meet guidelines.
- Our district will prohibit soda and allow only water and beverages that are at least 50% juice K-8.
- Our district will sell only diet soda to high school students, 20 oz. max. Soda will not be available at any other campus.
- Our district will only sell low fat white and skim milk flavored.
- Students and staff will have access to free, safe and fresh drinking water throughout the school day. All drinking fountains will be maintained and kept in good working order.
- All our school sites have drinking fountains but some are not accessible to all students during meal time. For those sites that do not have nearby drinking fountains in the eating area– due to the eating area also being used for physical education class and safety concerns – a table with drinking water and small cups will be made available to the students during their meal time near the serving line.
- MUSD will promote healthy choices and will have consistency of nutrition messages throughout the school.
- MUSD will consider policies that will encourage physical activity such as increasing access to the gym or creating safer routes to bike or walk to school.
- MUSD will uphold current State policy regarding immunization and enforcement. Parents will receive education by the health staff regarding the risk of not immunizing and the health effect to the learning community.
- MUSD will create, strengthen or work within existing school health advisory councils to develop, monitor, review and revise the Local Wellness Policy. The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), which will consist of all USDA required participants, including teachers of physical education and school health professionals, will serve as resources to school sites for implementing these policies.
- MUSD will establish a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) composed of parents, students, administrators, a member of the school board, community member, physical education instructor, nurse/ school health professional and representative from the school food authority to review the local policy development process. These individuals can register their concerns and recommendations within the district.
- The SHAC will meet annually during early implementation of policy and assessment of policy. On each school campus, schools shall establish a plan for implementation including principal designation of one or more individuals to ensure compliance with standards of MUSD wellness policy. Additionally, the public will have an opportunity for input at that time. Participants assessing the policy, date of assessment and documentation of any revisions will be noted.
- The Director of Food and Nutrition will prepare an annual report on the district’s compliance with the law and policies related to the wellness policy.
- The activities of the SHAC will be reported to the school administration periodically.
As long as all the required elements are present, MUSD wellness policy shall be tailored to fit the needs of our students.
MUSD shall inform and update the public (including parents, students, and others in the community) about the content and implementation of the local wellness policy. Public notification will include parent/student handbook, district website, and parent night/open house. MUSD will develop a process for members of the community who are not able to be a part of the committee, who wish to have input in the wellness policy development process. These individuals can register their concerns and recommendations with MUSD.
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