School and District Branding
Proper use of the logo is imperative for maintaining a consistent brand. The Maricopa Unified School District logo must be full-color, MUSD
blue/green, or a neutral color like white or black. Official MUSD palette colors are allowed for use on the logo.
How NOT to use logo:
- Rotated
- Incorrect Color Application
- Outlined
- Boxed
- Distorted
The logo is a vital part of the MUSD brand identity. If it is presented in the wrong format, it might affect the perception and reputation of the organization. To maintain consistency in collateral, please avoid the prohibited examples shown that adversely affect the brand's presence.
To ensure proper presentation of the Maricopa Unified School District Logo, please allow for enough clear space to surround the logo. This space must be free and clear of any elements such as type, images, graphics, or other logos. The brand safe area is the space between the logo and other objects or typography. The brand safe area should be greater than the size of the letter "O" in "Maricopa" of the logo.
Logos should not be distorted, stretched, or disproportionate. Please make sure the logo size is no less than 0.5 inches in height for print and 45 px in height for digital.
Incorrect Logo Use
Correct Logo Use
MUSD Logo Library
The colors included in the palette are the only approved colors to be used for printed or digital materials for Maricopa Unified School District. The secondary colors should be used sparingly as accent colors. The palette consists of MUSD Blue, MUSD Green, MUSD Navy, and MUSD Light Grey .