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Specialized Program Offerings


The Resource/Inclusion Program is for students with disabilities that require specially designed instruction that the home school staff can provide. These students have varying learning abilities. They may demonstrate behaviors that interfere with learning, significant sensory needs that may require environmental adaptations, difficulty in executive functioning and organization. These students may struggle with math, reading and/or writing, meta-cognitive skills, self-determination, or advocacy and require a variety of research-based methods of instruction. Some students may require minimal related services.

Related Services

Related Services are for students who need educationally related therapy (speech, occupational, physical therapy, adapted physical education, or counseling). These may occur alone or in conjunction with specialized instruction.


The EDP Program is a district-based program for students who meet the eligibility criteria of the emotionally disabled. These students have varying learning abilities, adaptive behaviors, and limited processing ability. They demonstrate behaviors that interfere to a significant degree and, over a marked period-of-time with learning, may possess significant sensory needs that may require environmental adaptations, strategies for difficulty in executive functioning and organization.

Structured Teaching

The Structured Teaching Program is for students who have, or may have, below average cognitive abilities and exhibit characteristics of autism spectrum disorders. These students have varying learning abilities. Students may struggle with reading and/or writing and require research-based instruction in a highly structured teaching model.

Functional Skills, Life Skills, and Independent Skills

Functional Skills, Life Skills, and Independent Skills Programs are for students with developmental delays. Learning characteristics of students requiring this level of service typically have significant cognitive disabilities with deficits in social skills and/or adaptive behavior skills. Students may also have communication and motor delays.

Life Skills- Secondary

The Life Skills Program is for secondary students with significant cognitive and physical disabilities and who may be eligible for the AZ Alternate Academic Assessments. Students have significantly below average academic skills and require an alternate curriculum that focuses on life skill development for post-high school transition. Students may have broad language deficits, difficulty with organization and study skills, and difficulty with self-determination and self-advocacy. Students may also have communication and motor delays.