Description - Education Professions prepares students for employment opportunities in the education field. The program provides instruction in a fun and hands-on approach to educational career choices: education structure and systems, theory, pedagogy, developmental stages, learning styles, and methodology. The program also provides interactive experiences with students at different age levels in elementary and middle schools in a variety of content areas.
Participants - Desert Sunrise High School Students
Description - Grow Your Own is designed to help MUSD develop a pipeline of qualified candidates to fill future teaching positions. Participants receive support and guidance to become certified teachers through partnerships with Central Arizona College, coaches, and mentors. Resources for licensing and financial aid are also available.
Description- The Aspiring Administrators program is part of MUSD's Grow Your Own initiative that provides training and support for those who wish to advance their careers in MUSD. A professional learning community is dedicated to certified staff helping to strengthen their leadership skills through a series of professional learning opportunities at the district office.
Participants - Certified Staff
Contact Information - Tracey Pastor, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services: - 520-568-5100 ext. 1006