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Volunteer Program

Interested in volunteering? Join us at one of the following trainings: February 13, March 13, April 10, or May 8, all from 10:30-11:30 AM at the District Office

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Maricopa Unified School District.

To become a volunteer, please reach out to your school principal and register to volunteer by visiting the link below that corresponds to your school. If you are interested in volunteering but would like more information or are not sure which school you'd like to assist, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator.

Thank you so much for being a part of the MUSD family!

Volunteer at Butterfield Elementary School Volunteer at Maricopa Elementary School
Volunteer at Pima Butte Elementary School Volunteer at Saddleback Elementary School
Volunteer at Santa Cruz Elementary School Volunteer at Santa Rosa Elementary School
Volunteer at Desert Wind Middle School Volunteer at Maricopa Wells Middle School
Volunteer at Desert Sunrise High School Volunteer at Maricopa High School
Volunteer at Maricopa Virtual Academy

Volunteer Coordinator

Jim Irving
(520) 568-5100