Developmental Preschool
The Developmental Preschool program is part of the Exceptional Student Services Department (ESS). Students enrolled in the program have been assessed and are determined eligible since they meet one of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) eligibility definitions and there are gaps in childhood development that require specially designed instruction and related services that will not be remediated without being enrolled in the Developmental Preschool.
We have designed a developmental preschool program to provide the child with specialized instruction based on the assessment and the Individualized Education Program (IEP). Our language-rich curriculum and preschool activities promote readiness skills throughout the school day. We provide developmentally appropriate activities based on the Arizona Early Learning Standards and our knowledge of child development supports children with exceptional needs to develop kindergarten readiness skills and close the achievement gap.
Our highly qualified certified special education teachers and related service staff (SLP, OT, and PT) have training in early childhood development. The program includes all of the components of a typical preschool classroom. Our staff uses a developmental approach and incorporates art, music, movement, drama, early literacy and early math skills for students from the ages of 2 years 9 months up to kindergarten who are eligible.
During circle time, the teacher introduces the theme and lesson. Children practice communication skills as they express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Circle time is an opportunity to talk about the weekly theme, which includes literacy and math concepts. The staff utilize books and music as they are the key to developing early readiness skills.
During center time, children have the opportunity to participate in several small group activities that may include sensory exploration, arts and crafts or other theme-related activities. Center time promotes social emotional development, language, fine motor skills, and cognitive development. This is a time for staff to focus on the child’s individual goals outlined in the IEP.
Children will participate in facilitated play time. Children are guided to learn appropriate social skills including turn-taking, sharing, cooperation, problem-solving skills and organization and how to participate as positive peer group members.
The children have opportunities using play to participate in areas such as the block center or dramatic play center. The block center offers many opportunities for learning through play! Vocabulary and language are developed and expanded. Children will be able to learn and practice many math skills such as number concepts, patterns, relationships, beginning geometry by developing spatial relationships and measurement. When children engage in dramatic play centers, they learn how to negotiate roles, agree on topics, and cooperate with each other. Social skills are also practiced during snack time. These are social skills they will utilize throughout their lives.
Children will develop motor skills by playing outside and develop muscle strength, coordination, balance, social and communication skills when they use the play structure or other play equipment such as bean bags, balls and scooters.
Phone: 520-568-6198
This program is provided for our MUSD families without a fee. The cost of the program is supported in part by the federal and state Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) grants. MUSD local funds make up the difference in operating the Developmental Preschool program.
Child Find for Children Ages 2 Years 9 Months Through 5 Years Old
If you suspect that your child has some developmental delays, Maricopa Unified School District offers free developmental screenings for students who reside within district boundaries. Child Find is a screening to "find" children who may have a delay in development or a disability in any of the following areas:
- Vision and Hearing
- Motor Control or Coordination
- Behavior or Social Skills
- Speech or Language Skills
- Thinking or Performing Tasks
- Adaptive Behavior
If you have answered 'yes' to one or more of these questions and live within the district boundaries of Maricopa Unified School District, please contact Stephanie Mills - Department of Exceptional Student Services.
If your child is younger than 2 years 9 months, please contact the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AZEIP) at (602) 532-9960 or (888) 592-0140. You may also visit The Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) webpage.