The District shall notify the emancipated pupil, parent, or legal guardian in writing by May 15 whether the applicant has been accepted, placed on a waiting list pending the availability of capacity, or rejected. The District shall also notify the resident school district of an applicant's acceptance or placement on a waiting list. If the applicant is placed on a waiting list, the notification shall inform the emancipated pupil, parent, or legal guardian of the date when it will be determined whether there is capacity for additional enrollment in a school. If the pupil's application is rejected, the reason for the rejection shall be stated in the notification.
As provided by A.R.S. 15-816.07, the District and its employees are immune from civil liability for decisions relative to the acceptance or rejection of the enrollment of a nonresident student when the decisions are based on good faith application of this policy and the applicable statutory requirements and standards.
Should there be excess capacity remaining for which no applications were submitted by the date established, the Superintendent, upon approval by the Board, shall authorize additional enrollment of nonresident pupils:
- Up to the determined capacity.
- On the basis of the order of the completed applications submitted after the notification date established in this policy.
- Without regard to enrollment preference.
- As long as admission standards are met.
- Whose applications are submitted by June 15.